List of all Commands provided with FireCMD

Here is a list of all commands which are supplied with FireCMD. Of course, you can use any other external commands that are not shipped with FireCMD. You can also use all the command prompt (cmd.exe) commands in FireCMD.

You can find a list of all command prompt commands here: Also check: List of all cmd’s internal commands

Internal Commands

List of FireCMD’s internal commands are as follows:

  1. echohtml – Displaying Text and Hypertext
  2. help – Help for a Command
  3. cd – Changing Working Directory
  4. pwd – Checking the Current Working Directory
  5. lst – Listing Files and Directories
  6. cls / clear – Clearing the Screen
  7. edit / firetxt – Creating and Editing Files
  8. color – Changing Foreground/Background Color
  9. path – Managing the Environment Variable Path
  10. prompt – Changing the Prompt Style
  11. title – Changing the Tab’s Title
  12. open – Opening a File, Folder or URL
  13. reset – Reverting the Settings back to Default
  14. exit – Exiting the Shell

External Commands

List of new commands provided by FireCMD are as follows:

  1. openfile – Open File Dialog Box
  2. savefile – Save File Dialog Box
  3. getdir – Browse For Folder Dialog Box
  4. gettext – Get Text Dialog Box
  5. getint – Get Integer Dialog Box
  6. getdecimal – Get Decimal Number Dialog Box
  7. getpassword – Get Password Dialog Box
  8. kill – Terminating a Process
  9. pathc – Path Completer

List of UNIX commands provided by FireCMD are as follows:

  1. addftinfo – add information to troff font files for use with groff
  2. asa – interpret carriage-control characters
  3. at – run commands at specified time(s)
  4. awk – pattern-directed scanning and processing language
  5. banner – print large banner
  6. basename – strip directory and suffix from filenames
  7. batch – run commands at specified time(s)
  8. bc – An arbitrary precision calculator language
  9. bunzip2 – a block-sorting file compressor, v0.9.0
  10. bunzip – a block-sorting file compressor
  11. bzip2 – a block-sorting file compressor, v0.9.0
  12. bzip – a block-sorting file compressor
  13. cal – print calendar
  14. cancel – cancel printer requests
  15. captoinfo – convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
  16. cat – concatenate files
  17. chgrp – change the group ownership of files
  18. chmod – change the access permissions of files
  19. chown – change the ownership of files
  20. cksum, md5sum, sum – print file checksum and block count
  21. cmp – compare two files
  22. codex – encode/decode filter
  23. col – filter reverse line-feeds
  24. comm – select or reject lines common to two files
  25. cp – copy files
  26. cql – C query language
  27. cs – connect stream control
  28. csh – Shell, the standard command language interpreter
  29. csplit – split a file into sections determined by context lines
  30. css – multiplex multiple clients on one connect stream server
  31. ctags – Generate tag files for source code
  32. cut – cut out selected columns or fields of each line of a file
  33. date – set/list/convert dates
  34. dc – an arbitrary precision calculator
  35. dd – convert and copy a file
  36. df – summarize disk free space
  37. diff – find differences between two files
  38. diff3 – find differences between three files
  39. dirname – return directory portion of file name
  40. dss – scan a data stream and apply a select expression to each record
  41. du – summarize disk usage
  42. dumpsd – dump the contents of a security descriptor
  43. dumpstack – dumps the stack
  44. echo – print text
  45. ed – edit text
  46. egrep – search lines in files for matching patterns
  47. env – set environment for command invocation
  48. ex – text editors
  49. expand – convert tabs to spaces
  50. expr – evaluate arguments as an expression
  51. fc – process command history list
  52. fds – list open file descriptor status
  53. fgrep – search lines in files for matching patterns
  54. file – determine file type
  55. find – find files
  56. fmt – simple text formatter
  57. fold – fold lines
  58. ftp – ARPANET file transfer program
  59. getconf – get configuration values
  60. grep – search lines in files for matching patterns
  61. gunzip – compress or expand files
  62. gzcat – compress or expand files
  63. gzip – compress or expand files
  64. grodvi – convert groff output to TeX dvi format
  65. grolbp – groff driver for Canon CAPSL printers (LBP-4 and LBP-8 series laser printers)
  66. grolj4 – groff driver for HP Laserjet 4 family
  67. head – output beginning portion of one or more files
  68. hostname – print name of the current host
  69. hpftodit – create font description files for use with groff -Tlj4
  70. html2db – extract flat file database from html tables
  71. html2rtf – html to rtf filter
  72. htmlrefs – list html url references
  73. htpasswd – manipulate HTTP-server password files
  74. iconv – codeset conversion
  75. id – return user identity
  76. infocmp – manages terminfo descriptions
  77. ipcrm – removes message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory identifiers
  78. ipcs – reports inter-process communication facility status
  79. join – relational database operator
  80. kill – terminate or signal process
  81. ksh – Shell, the standard command language interpreter
  82. ksh-admin –
  83. ldd – print shared library dependencies
  84. less – opposite of more
  85. lesskey – specify key bindings for less
  86. lkbib – search bibliographic databases
  87. ln – link files
  88. locale – get locale-specific information
  89. locate – locate files in pathname database
  90. logins – displays user and system login information.
  91. logname – return the user’s login name
  92. look – displays lines beginning with a given prefix
  93. lp – send files to a printer
  94. lpstat – report printer status information
  95. ls – list files and/or directories
  96. m4 – macro preprocessor
  97. mailx – send and receive mail
  98. man – display system documentation
  99. mesg – permit or deny messages to the terminal
  100. mkdir – make directories
  101. mkfifo – make FIFOs (named pipes)
  102. mknod – make a special device file
  103. more – file perusal filter for CRT viewing
  104. mount – mount and display filesystems
  105. msgget – get a message from a message catalog
  106. mv – rename files
  107. nawk – pattern scanning and processing language
  108. nl – number lines of files
  109. nocrnl – a filter to remove carriage returns or can be used to remove carriage returns in place
  110. nohup – invoke a utility immune to hangups
  111. objstamp – list windows dll/exe/obj time stamp
  112. od – dump files in octal or other formats
  113. openssl – OpenSSL command line tool
  114. pack – pack files using Huffman coding
  115. passwd – change user password or shell or home directory
  116. paste – merge lines of files
  117. pathchk – check pathnames for portability
  118. pax – read, write, and list file archives
  119. pcat – unpack and concatenate files created by pack
  120. pids – list calling shell process ids
  121. pfbtops – translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII
  122. pr – print files
  123. preconv – convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff understands
  124. print – write arguments to standard output
  125. printf – write formatted output
  126. ps – report process status
  127. ratz – read a tar gzip archive
  128. rcp – remote file copy
  129. readtags – find tag file entries matching specified names
  130. rev – reverse the characters or lines of one or more files
  131. rm – remove files
  132. rmdir – remove empty directories
  133. rsh – remote shell
  134. scp – secure copy (remote file copy program)
  135. script – make typescript of terminal session
  136. sdiff – find differences between two files and merge interactively
  137. sed – stream editor
  138. sftp – secure file transfer program
  139. sh – Shell, the standard command language interpreter
  140. shortcut – create or list windows shortcut
  141. shutdown – shutdown system
  142. slogin – OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
  143. sleep – suspend execution for an interval
  144. sort – sort and/or merge files
  145. split – split files into pieces
  146. ss – list local network system status
  147. ssh – OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
  148. ssh-add – adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
  149. ssh-agent – authentication agent
  150. ssh-keygen – authentication key generation, management and conversion
  151. ssh-keyscan – gather ssh public keys
  152. ssh-keysign – ssh helper program for host-based authentication
  153. strings – find and display printable strings in files
  154. stty – set or get terminal modes
  155. su – run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
  156. sync – schedule file system updates
  157. tail – output trailing portion of one or more files
  158. tcsh – C shell with file name completion and command line editing
  159. tee – duplicate standard input
  160. telnet – user interface to the TELNET protocol
  161. test – evaluate expression
  162. tfmtodit – create font files for use with groff -Tdvi
  163. tftp – trivial file transfer program
  164. tic – the terminfo entry-description compiler
  165. tksh – Shell, the standard command language interpreter
  166. touch – change file access, modification and status change times
  167. tput – Query terminfo database
  168. tr – translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
  169. trace – output a system call trace
  170. troff2html – convert troff/groff input to html
  171. tsort – topological sort
  172. tty – write the name of the terminal to standard output
  173. tw – file tree walk
  174. umount – unmount filesystems
  175. uname – identify the current system
  176. uncompress – compress and expand data
  177. unexpand – convert spaces to tabs
  178. uniq – Report or filter out repeated lines in a file
  179. unixpath – convert WIN32 pathnames to UNIX pathnames
  180. unpack – unpack files created by pack
  181. uudecode – decode a uuencoded binary file
  182. uuencode – encode a binary file
  183. vcunzip – provides a number of transforms typically for data compression
  184. vczip – provide a number of transforms typically for data compression
  185. vi – text editors
  186. view – text editors
  187. wc – print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
  188. wget – GNU Wget manual
  189. what – display binary identification strings
  190. which – locate a command and describe its type
  191. who – display who is on the system
  192. wterm – terminal emulator for windows
  193. xargs – construct arg list and execute command
  194. yes – repeatedly out a string until killed
  195. zcat – compress and expand data

Other than the above mentioned commands, you can also use the internal commands of Bash shell, Korn shell or C shell by starting the respective shell.

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