How Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize our world

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the hottest topics of debate. Even with all the extravagant media attention, AI is still in its infancy stage. Nevertheless, I believe that in the near future artificial intelligence will make things happen that are currently far beyond the limits of our imagination and that will have a huge impact on our daily lives. Speech recognition technology, suggestive searches, and driverless cars are just a few of the ways that artificial intelligence has entered into our lives, but with different tech giants competing to be the first to reveal the next level of AI, what does that mean for us?

What AI is already doing?

A common misapprehension is to simply think “The world is about to change”. This is true but does not tell the full story: the world is already changing. Artificial Intelligence is already in use to support many tasks. I would like to point out some cool stuff we have around and often do not realize:

  • AI in Business: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already entered into the marketing world, as you may already know. According to research done by Forrester indicated that 5% of companies worldwide said they were using chatbots regularly in 2016, 20% were piloting them, and 32% were planning to use or test them in 2017. Furthermore, Braina artificial intelligence powered powerful personal assistant and office productivity software is already in the market to boost your business. It isn’t just like a chat-bot; its priority is to be super functional and to help you in doing tasks.
  • AI in Medical diagnosis: Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence systems are used to detect diseases. For instance, there are some ways to classify medical images and indicate whether a patient presents a disease or not, with better accuracy than trained humans. To that end, a team of researchers from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, England, developed Ultromics, an AI diagnostics system that is more accurate than doctors at diagnosing heart disease.
  • AI in Self Driving Cars: Self-driving cars are rapidly emerging as we see unbelievable innovation in hardware, software, and computing abilities. Just consider the major ways AI is shaking up the transportation ecosystem. Driverless cars promise to decrease emissions and also cut down on automobile-related accidents and deaths. They’ll change everything about how we move from one place to another.

What to expect in the future?

Around 200 years ago the industrial revolution immutably reshaped the world but today another revolution is underway with potentially even further reaching consequences. The time to prepare for this new world is now. It’s incredibly interesting and even humbling to think of the many ways AI will change our daily lives.

According to experts prediction, AI is a game-changing technology and it will change everything about the way we produce, manufacture and deliver. Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu Research, called AI the “new electricity,” poised to transform industry after industry.

Cognitive computing, machine learning, natural language processing – varied terms have emerged as the development of the technology has progressed in recent years. But they all encapsulated the common idea that one day machines could be able to design themselves to solve problems and discover new knowledge, rather than having to be spoon-fed every instruction for every eventuality.

Wrap Up

In the current era, to stay competitive, enterprises need to make decisions and solve problems expeditiously — sometimes faster than humanly possible. That’s why smart companies are rushing to embrace AI. Big businesses are placing big bets on AI technologies. Already Google, Microsoft, IBM, and others have discovered ways to develop AI systems that replicate and perform better than humans in a variety of areas.

In the future, AI will develop into general or collective intelligence. That means all bets are off on how fast learning occurs, how quick it’s implemented via autonomous companies and the extent to which machines drive the global economy. Of course, we can’t predict the future, but we can do our best to prepare for it. And in the face of an inescapable economic alteration, preparation has to start now.

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