Take Command is a Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) replacement like FireCMD. Till now, we have only found Take Command as a similar software like FireCMD which provides both command processor and console replacement. Though Take Command is not a GCLI shell like FireCMD. It works by providing emulation of their command processor tcc.exe unlike FireCMD which has an integrated command processor.
Some features of Take Command are:
- Tabbed Interface
- Configurable fonts and colors
- Integrated file explorer
- Search facility
- Compatible with command prompt
- Save to file
- Toolbar
- Aliases (only for command and directory)
- Batch file editor
- Filename completion
The only major feature that we have found in Take Command that is not available right now in FireCMD is the file explorer. We don’t find the file-explorer as a must have feature. We already have commands such as lst and open which can be used to explore files and directories. Though we will implement this feature soon.
Take Command provides 150 new alien commands. On the other hand, FireCMD provides more than 190 familiar UNIX commands with known syntax and great help resources all over the internet. FireCMD provides some super cool interactive internal commands such as echohtml, lst, path etc. which are missing in Take Command.
The batch file editor that comes with Take Command is not integrated and comes as a separate program. In FireCMD, we have an in-built editor – FireTXT. This can prove quite useful for programmers as they can edit source code of programming/scripting languages such as batch script, Java, C, C++ etc. in one tab and compile/run them in another tab. Take Command’s batch file editing environment is based on Scintilla. Scintilla and Scintilla based editor called SciTE is available for free download. Lets check out the comparison table:
Features | FireCMD | Take Command |
Price | $29 | $99.95 |
GCLI (Graphical Command Line Interface) | Yes | – |
Tabbed Windows for Console Programs and Command Line Apps | Yes | Yes |
In-built File Editor (FireTXT) | Yes | – |
UNIX-like Environment Support | Yes | – |
Persistent Aliases/Macros | Yes | – |
Recursive Aliases | Yes | – |
Customizable Font | Yes | Yes |
Quick Zoom In/Zoom Out | Yes | Yes |
Enhanced Command Line Editor | Yes | – |
Multiple Undo / Redo Options in Command Line Editing | Yes | – |
Enhanced File and Directory Name Completion | Yes | – |
Command Substitution | Yes | – |
Command Substitution using Files | Yes | – |
Enhanced Path Environment Variable Management | Yes | – |
HTML and CSS Support | Yes | – |
Text Search Utility | Yes | Yes |
Remembers Command History for Next Session | Yes | Yes |
Remembers Last Working Directory for Next Session | Yes | – |
Save Output as HTML | Yes | – |
Snapshot Feature | Yes | – |
Display Speed – dir /s c:windows (in seconds) | 19.4 | 19.5 |
Commands Provided | 218 | 182 |
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